The Steal Has Been Stopped
Ian Franks
5 Dec

The will of the people has won out. 'Stop The Steal' by Chad Davis, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

The much-feared crime of the U.S. presidential election being stolen, prompting mass demonstrations, has been allayed. Democracy, the will of the people, won out.

Not that the pro-Trump demonstrators - for all their chants of ‘Stop the Steal’ - will have been appeased, as the real attempted theft was the one orchestrated by the outgoing president and his sycophantic allies.

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His despotic behaviour has been disgusting. This includes his refusal to concede defeat, his demand for recounts with no chance of overturning Joe Biden’s winning majority, and his embarking on a wild frenzy of legal cases alleging voter fraud with no evidence.

In fact, Trump’s legal team has so far lodged around forty legal suits and had all but one minor victory thrown out by judge after judge through lack of evidence.

Additionally, the president’s legal team is dwindling in size as, one by one, lawyers are jumping from what is clearly seen as a sinking ship.

Even though the captain is doggedly refusing to abandon his fatally damaged raft, he has at least ordered his crew to wear lifejackets and to ready the lifeboats. And by that, I mean he has ordered his team to cooperate with Joe Biden’s, preparing for the smooth transition of power in January 2021.

His last emergency distress flare, an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, has been launched, in the hope that the nine justices will pull off a dramatic rescue, overturning the will of the people.

But that move is based on two false premises. The first is that the nation’s top legal court will pay more attention to the nonsensical and baseless allegations than the lack of evidence. Evidence that cannot be presented because it simply doesn’t exist.

The second miscalculation is relying on the Republican court to interfere and, if it does, for the nine justices to rule in his favour. He may have stacked the court with a 6-3 conservative majority but all of the justices pay more attention to the written law than the rantings of a megalomaniac who appointed three of them.

Such is Trump’s quest for power, that nothing seems to be beyond him, even effectively attempting to stage a coup.

Presuming that the Supreme Court does not extend a lifeline, the next stage in this saga is scheduled to be the Electoral College vote on 14 December. This, Trump has said, he will accept - but not graciously - bringing the story largely to a close.

The results are projected to be a victory of 306-234 for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Ian Franks is the managing editor of 50 Shades of Sun.
The Steal Has Been Stopped
Ian Franks
5 Dec

The will of the people has won out. 'Stop The Steal' by Chad Davis, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

The much-feared crime of the U.S. presidential election being stolen, prompting mass demonstrations, has been allayed. Democracy, the will of the people, won out.

Not that the pro-Trump demonstrators - for all their chants of ‘Stop the Steal’ - will have been appeased, as the real attempted theft was the one orchestrated by the outgoing president and his sycophantic allies.

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His despotic behaviour has been disgusting. This includes his refusal to concede defeat, his demand for recounts with no chance of overturning Joe Biden’s winning majority, and his embarking on a wild frenzy of legal cases alleging voter fraud with no evidence.

In fact, Trump’s legal team has so far lodged around forty legal suits and had all but one minor victory thrown out by judge after judge through lack of evidence.

Additionally, the president’s legal team is dwindling in size as, one by one, lawyers are jumping from what is clearly seen as a sinking ship.

Even though the captain is doggedly refusing to abandon his fatally damaged raft, he has at least ordered his crew to wear lifejackets and to ready the lifeboats. And by that, I mean he has ordered his team to cooperate with Joe Biden’s, preparing for the smooth transition of power in January 2021.

His last emergency distress flare, an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, has been launched, in the hope that the nine justices will pull off a dramatic rescue, overturning the will of the people.

But that move is based on two false premises. The first is that the nation’s top legal court will pay more attention to the nonsensical and baseless allegations than the lack of evidence. Evidence that cannot be presented because it simply doesn’t exist.

The second miscalculation is relying on the Republican court to interfere and, if it does, for the nine justices to rule in his favour. He may have stacked the court with a 6-3 conservative majority but all of the justices pay more attention to the written law than the rantings of a megalomaniac who appointed three of them.

Such is Trump’s quest for power, that nothing seems to be beyond him, even effectively attempting to stage a coup.

Presuming that the Supreme Court does not extend a lifeline, the next stage in this saga is scheduled to be the Electoral College vote on 14 December. This, Trump has said, he will accept - but not graciously - bringing the story largely to a close.

The results are projected to be a victory of 306-234 for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Ian Franks is the managing editor of 50 Shades of Sun.
The Steal Has Been Stopped
Ian Franks
5 Dec

The will of the people has won out. 'Stop The Steal' by Chad Davis, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

The much-feared crime of the U.S. presidential election being stolen, prompting mass demonstrations, has been allayed. Democracy, the will of the people, won out.

Not that the pro-Trump demonstrators - for all their chants of ‘Stop the Steal’ - will have been appeased, as the real attempted theft was the one orchestrated by the outgoing president and his sycophantic allies.

His despotic behaviour has been disgusting. This includes his refusal to concede defeat, his demand for recounts with no chance of overturning Joe Biden’s winning majority, and his embarking on a wild frenzy of legal cases alleging voter fraud with no evidence.

In fact, Trump’s legal team has so far lodged around forty legal suits and had all but one minor victory thrown out by judge after judge through lack of evidence.

Additionally, the president’s legal team is dwindling in size as, one by one, lawyers are jumping from what is clearly seen as a sinking ship.

Even though the captain is doggedly refusing to abandon his fatally damaged raft, he has at least ordered his crew to wear lifejackets and to ready the lifeboats. And by that, I mean he has ordered his team to cooperate with Joe Biden’s, preparing for the smooth transition of power in January 2021.

His last emergency distress flare, an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, has been launched, in the hope that the nine justices will pull off a dramatic rescue, overturning the will of the people.

But that move is based on two false premises. The first is that the nation’s top legal court will pay more attention to the nonsensical and baseless allegations than the lack of evidence. Evidence that cannot be presented because it simply doesn’t exist.

The second miscalculation is relying on the Republican court to interfere and, if it does, for the nine justices to rule in his favour. He may have stacked the court with a 6-3 conservative majority but all of the justices pay more attention to the written law than the rantings of a megalomaniac who appointed three of them.

Such is Trump’s quest for power, that nothing seems to be beyond him, even effectively attempting to stage a coup.

Presuming that the Supreme Court does not extend a lifeline, the next stage in this saga is scheduled to be the Electoral College vote on 14 December. This, Trump has said, he will accept - but not graciously - bringing the story largely to a close.

The results are projected to be a victory of 306-234 for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

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